

Contain models used by this package

class scf.models.CVE(*, name: str, description: str, url: str, overall_state: scf.models.OverallState = None, cvss: scf.models.CVSS = None, simplified_rating: scf.models.SimplifiedRating = None, affected_products: List[scf.models.Product] = None)#

Bases: pydantic.main.BaseModel

Holds all the information about the cve


Returns the data as dict


Returns the data as json


Creates a pretty rich tree object

class scf.models.CVSS(*, score: float, vector: scf.models.CVSSVector, version: str)#

Bases: pydantic.main.BaseModel

Contains the fetched cvss information


Creates a pretty rich tree object

class scf.models.CVSSVector(*, raw: str, access_vector: str, access_complexity: str, privileges_required: str, user_interaction: str, scope: str, confidentiality_impact: str, integrity_impact: str, availability_impact: str, version: str)#

Bases: pydantic.main.BaseModel

Contains the parsed vector information

static from_string(cvss_str)#

Parses a raw cvss vector string


Creates a pretty rich tree object

class scf.models.OverallState(value)#

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Overall state by Suse:


Returns the colorized enum value

class scf.models.Product(*, name: str, package: str, state: scf.models.State)#

Bases: pydantic.main.BaseModel

Contains information about a package that may or maybe not is affected by a given cve


Creates a pretty rich tree object

class scf.models.SimplifiedRating(value)#

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Simplified Rating by Suse:


Returns the colorized enum value

class scf.models.State(value)#

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Represents how the state of an affected package can be described


Returns the colorized enum value


Contains the code to fetch the informations from

class scf.suse.Cache#

Bases: object

Holds the session instance

scf.suse.get_all_cve(timeout: int = 30, use_cache: bool = False) list#

Fetches all cves

scf.suse.get_cve_details(cve: str, timeout: int = 30, use_cache: bool = True) scf.models.CVE#

Fetches the details of a cve

Returns a CVE object

scf.suse.list_cve_by_year(timeout: int = 30, use_cache: bool = False) Dict[str, list]#

Fetches all cves grouped by year

Returns a dict with the years as keys and the cves as values in a list

scf.suse.prefetch_cve(cve: str, timeout: int = 30) str#

Prefetches the cve and save the html into cache

scf.suse.url_to_soup(url: str, timeout: int = 30, use_cache: bool = True)#

Fetches the html and returns a beautifulsoup instance


scf.cli.cache_cmd_clean() None#

Remove expired cache entries

scf.cli.cache_cmd_clear() None#

Clear the whole cache

scf.cli.cache_cmd_populate(cve_filter: str = <typer.models.OptionInfo object>, workers: int = <typer.models.OptionInfo object>) None#

Prefetch all the cve data

scf.cli.cache_cmd_stats() None#

Get some stats about the cache


Dumps the current config


Edit the current config

scf.cli.config_cmd_init(overwrite: bool = <typer.models.OptionInfo object>) None#

Creates the default config in the home directory

scf.cli.cve_cmd_details(name: str = <typer.models.ArgumentInfo object>, disable_cache: bool = <typer.models.OptionInfo object>, field: str = <typer.models.OptionInfo object>, use_json: bool = <typer.models.OptionInfo object>) None#

Fetch the details of a given cve

scf.cli.cve_cmd_list(year: bool = <typer.models.OptionInfo object>, use_cache: bool = <typer.models.OptionInfo object>, use_json: bool = <typer.models.OptionInfo object>) None#

Fetch the known cve for a given year or all.

scf.cli.cve_cmd_watch(command: str = <typer.models.OptionInfo object>, test: bool = <typer.models.OptionInfo object>, interval: int = <typer.models.OptionInfo object>) None#

Show the latest CVE as they get published

scf.cli.main(_: typing.Optional[bool] = <typer.models.OptionInfo object>) None#

scf fetches informations about CVEs from

scf.cli.random() x in the interval [0, 1).#
scf.cli.server_cmd_run(host: str = <typer.models.OptionInfo object>, port: int = <typer.models.OptionInfo object>, workers: int = <typer.models.OptionInfo object>) None#

Starts the uvicorn server


Small api server

async scf.server.cache_clean()#

Clean the cache

async scf.server.cache_clear()#

Clear the cache

async scf.server.cve(use_cache: bool = False)#

Returns a list with all cves

async scf.server.cve_by_id(cve_id: str, use_cache: bool = True)#

Returns the details for a given cve

async scf.server.cve_by_year(year: str, use_cache: bool = False)#

Returns a list with all cves in the given year

async scf.server.cve_by_years(use_cache: bool = False)#

Returns a list with all cves grouped by year str = '', port: int = 8000, workers: int = 1) None#

Starts the uvicorn server


Contains config specific stuff


Contains helper functions

scf.utils.file_size(path: pathlib.Path, human_readable: bool = True) str#

Gets the filesize and optionally formats it

scf.utils.find_by_path(element: str, json: dict)#

Finds a value by a gived key-path src:

scf.utils.numeric(cve: str) Tuple[int, int]#

Returns a numeric cve number for sorting